Challenge: visit all Warsaw museums in one vacation

Has anyone seen all of Warsaw's museums? A few years ago, my family and I decided that we would visit every museum in Warsaw during the vacations. For various reasons, we put off the idea for "better times." Now we have come to the conclusion that the time has just come to face this task: during the vacations of 2023 we will visit all the museums in Warsaw. Since the task is not easy, according to Wikipedia in Warsaw there are more than 130 museums, and we are working and do not have unlimited time, we decided to change the rules of the game a bit. To make it easier, we changed the definition of vacation -. We will visit all museums in Warsaw between June 1 and October 30.

We want to write a short report from each museum visit. We hope this will result in a mini-guide to Warsaw museums. In each report you will find

  • the name and address of the museum
  • how to get there
  • opening hours
  • summary of the museum's exhibitions and offerings
  • information about what might be of interest to children
  • ticket prices
  • a brief summary of the foodservice offerings

Below is the current list of museums, which we will gradually add new establishments and update the status of our visits.

Keep your fingers crossed for us (and for Warsaw museums)!

MuseumAddress Visited onreport on the visit
The National Museum in WarsawAl. Jerozolimskie 3
The Museum of WarsawRynek Starego Miasta 28/42
The Warsaw Uprising Museum.ul. Grzybowska 79
Muzeum Historii Żydów Polskich POLINul. Anielewicza 6
Centrum Nauki Kopernikul. Wybrzeże Kościuszkowskie 20
Muzeum Domków Lalek, Gier i Zabawekul. Podwale 152.06.2023Pierwsza relacja
Muzeum Fryderyka Chopinaul. Okólnik 1
Muzeum Wojska PolskiegoAl. Jerozolimskie 3
Neon Museumul. Mińska 25
Muzeum Życia w PRL (dawniej Czar PRL)ul. Piękna 28/34
Muzeum Polskiej Wódkipl. Konesera 1
Muzeum Wódkiul. Wierzbowa 11
Muzeum Kosmosuul. Łucka 15/3
Muzeum Sztuki NowoczesnejWybrzeże Kościuszkowskie 22
Państwowe Muzeum Etnograficzneul. Kredytowa 1
Muzeum Geologiczneul. Rakowiecka 4, (wejście od ul. Wiśniowej)
Royal Castlepl. Zamkowy 4
Muzeum Łazienki Królewskieul. Agrykola 1
Muzeum Pałacu Króla Jana III w Wilanowieul. St. Kostki Potockiego 10/16
Centrum Interpretacji Zabytkuul. Brzozowa 11/13
Muzeum Warszawskiej Pragiul. Targowa 50/52